Casabloga: The Lion King

How I haven’t gotten to this one already is beyond me. However, there are several other films that I could probably also say that about, so I don’t feel so bad. The Lion King was recently re-released on Blu-Ray as part of the Signature Collection, and I bought it.

While I’ve seen this movie a thousand times, as I’m sure every ’90s kid has, it was my first time seeing it on Blu-Ray. The movie is as amazing as ever, but seeing it in HD you really get a sense of the amount of effort put into the film. The characters almost look 3D now.

But this isn’t a review of the Blu-Ray. However, I honestly don’t know what I could say about The Lion King that hasn’t already been said, I just really wanted to add it to my Casabloga list.

I’m excited about the upcoming live-action remake. Disney showed the new Circle of Life opening at D23 this year, but has not released the video online yet, even though at least once a week I look for it. I scoured the Blu-Ray hoping they’d release it on there, but they did not.

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